Saturday 13 June 2020

Tasty Potato Salad

Look at our video, please follow us. ♥️

Today, we will start our cooking session

We will make a potato salad with tuna. It's so easy that you can do it without any problems. 

I also give you a small pill of science in the kitchen. Watch the video and try too ....

Please, use the following ingredients:

  • Potatoes (enough for four people)
  • Canned tuna
  • Salt
  • Olive Oil.
This salad is easy to make and very tasty. If you like, you can add more ingredients such as olives, boiled eggs, oregano or tomate cherry.

Be careful, 
you can get burnt with boiling water and as a result of using too much salt you can get sick, so use the less possible. 😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾

To save water and reuse it, you can reserve the potato boiling water for watering plants when it is cold: it is rich in nutrients!

We hope that you enjoy our cooking experience and the salad.

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