Saturday, 9 May 2020

Growing pepper seeds

Look at our video, please follow us. ♥️

In our gardening section, we´re going to plant some vegetables and aromatic herbs to create a garden for a balcony garden. 

Today, we will show you how to grow some pepper seeds for your little garden.

Please, use the following materials:
  • Pepper seeds
  • a knife (be careful when you use it)
  • aluminium foil or plastic film
  • kitchen paper 
  • some water.

After three days, the seeds germinate and the first  roots start to grow.

We hope that you enjoy our new project and we hope to see you soon 

by Sara Luisa and Marta

(The children in this video has the authorization of their parents and the content has been revised; THERE IS NO ANY MORE INTEREST THAN LEARNING AND SHOW HOW TO DO IT).